2:45 PM nmhana 0 Comments

Still it’s ok… It seems that still it is ok… It was love.
Even though I know I can’t go back, I want to be connected.
It’s the first time I felt this way.
You said “We can meet each other occasionally”.
Because verbal promises are a common thing
It’s still ok…

This wish of mine doesn’t come true,
that you would fall in love with me again.
This fickle wish of mine.
I want to meet you again today.

Still it’s ok… It seemed that still it was ok… It was love.
Before I knew, you even refused to meet me.

I thought about how I was left alone.
Wouldn’t it be better if I forgot that time?
But these tears are the answer, aren’t they?
You can’t lie to your heart.

Remembering is almost frightening… Your smell, your gestures, everything.
“Weird, isn’t it?”, I said laughing.

Even though we are apart, it’s all about you.
I didn’t think that love was this painful, that love was this sad.
Truthfully , I only thought about you.

Remembering is almost frightening… Your smell, your gestures, everything.
“Weird, isn’t it?”, I said laughing.
Even though we are apart, it`s all about you.

You are someone inside me that I can’t forget, someone I gave everything to.
Even though I can’t go back again
Now is only you, only about you
Nothing but you


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