Global Warming…

2:19 PM nmhana 0 Comments

Ini adalah artikel yang sebenarnya sudah sangat lama ingin aku tulis. Namun terlalu banyak hal yang membuatku menundanya selama ini. Bagaimana tidak? Saat akan menulis aku selalu membutuhkan ruang yang cukup dan suasana yang menyenangkan. Namun hal itu sangat sulit aku dapatkan. Setiap aku mulai mengetik, hawa panas mulai mengganggu. Ini benar-benar membuatku tidak bisa berkonsentrasi.

Andai segalanya dapat seperti dulu, sama seperti saat aku masih kecil. Setiap pagi aku bisa melihat embun dan kabut. Rasanya benar-benar menyenangkan. Tapi apa yang terjadi sekarang? Cuaca tak menentu setiap harinya. Dulu, saat aku masih kecil ada pelajaran yang mengatakan , “Di Negara kita ada dua musim, yaitu musim kemarau dan musim penghijau. Musim hujan mulai oktober sampai maret. Dan musim hujan mulai bulan april sampai sepetember.”

Benar-benar memprihatinkan. Sekarang kalimat-kalimat itu sudah tidak berlaku lagi di jaman sekarang ini. Mungkin saat pagi hujan turun sangat lebat, dan sing hari akan terasa sangat terik. Beginilah hal yang ditimbulkan oleh global warming.

Jangan menyalahkan bumi kita ini, tapi seharusnya kita berinteropeksi diri. Apakah selama ini kita sudah merawat bumi yang indah ini? Mungkin kita memang berusaha merawatnya, namun tanpa kita sadari pola hidup yang sudah kita jalani selama ini justru membuat bumi kita ini semakin merasa gerah.

Contoh kecil saja. Mungkin kita bermaksud untuk membeli pohon dan menanamnya di rumah. Hal itu bisa membantu mengurangi efek yang ditimbulkan global warming. Tapi bagaimana kalau saat kita membeli pohon kita menggunakan sepeda motor?

Sepeda motor merupakan salah satu unsur yang mendukung global warming. Bayangkan saja, di Negara kita ini, telah begitu banyak pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak memikirkan dampak yang ditimbulkannya. Seharunya para pengemudi kendaraan bermotor juga mengimbanginya dengan melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas yang mampu membantu menghambat terjadinya global warming.
Efek yang ditimbulkan oleh global warming mulai terasa bagi kita. Tapi efek yang paling dirasakan adalah mulai mencairnya es dikutub. Ya, walau pun aktivitas terbesar yang menimbulkan global warming adalah pada daerah bagian lain, namun bagian dari bumi yang paling merasakan dampaknya adalah kutub utara. Di sana banyak para binatang yang mulai sulit untuk bertahan hidup. Miningkatnya suhu di bagian utara bumi membuat para makhluk yang hidup di sana mengalami kesulitan untuk beradaptasi. Benar-benar memprihatinkan. Dan sekrang ini dampak tersebut mulai dirasakan juga oleh kita semua.

Lalu, apa yang harus kita lakukan? Membiarkannya dan menunggu bumi terendam oleh air yang makin meninggi? Marilah, kita mulai sebuah perubahan. Efek global warming ini mungkin tidak dapat di hilangkan, tapi setidaknya kita bisa mencegahnya agar tidak semakin parah.
Ada beberapa cara sederhana yang mudah dilakukan namun dapat membawa dampak yang sangat baik. Ini dia :

  1. Kurangi penggunaan alat-alat elektronik yang dapat memicu global warming. Kita tidak dilarang untuk menggunakan AC, lemari es atau pun alat elektronik lainnya. Tapi paling tidak kita harus berusaha untuk menggunakannya sebaik mungkin. Jangan nyalakan AC pada ruangan yang terbuka, karena hal ini mampu membuat CFC menyebar dan menambah parah efek global warming yang sudah mulai terasa.
  2. Untuk berpergian jarak dekat, usahakan untuk menggunakan sepeda atau berjalan kaki. Hal ini juga mampu mengurangi terjadinya global warming.
  3. Kurangi penggunaan kantong plastik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, plastik tidak dapat terurai dengan sendirinya di dalam tanah, bahkan dalam jangka seratus tahun sekali pun. Hal ini terkadang membuat seseorang lebih memilih untuk menghancurkan sampah plastik dengan cara dibakar. Asap yang dihasilkan oleh pembakaran ini juga berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Kandungannya dapat merusak ozon dan memperparah global warming.
  4. Mungkin ini adalah satu hal yang kecil dan tidak dapat dirasakan secara langsung efeknya. Tapi menanam pohon mulai sekarang mungkin dapat membantu mengurangi efek global warming di masa mendatang. Janganlah jadi orang yang egois yang hanya mau menikmati sesuatu untuk dirinya sendiri. Pikirkanlah juga nasib para penduduk bumi di masa mendatang.
  5. Masih banyak lagi hal-hal yang dapat kita lakukan untuk mengurangi dampak global warming. Sekecil apa pun usaha yang kita lakukan, tentu akan menghasilkan hal yang baik pula. Dan percayalah bahwa kita akan mendapatkannya di masa mendatang.

Jadi, apa alasan kita untuk tidak menjaga bumi ini? Bumi ibaratkan sebuah wadah besar yang telah memberikan kita kehidupan. Dan sekarang adalah saatnya kita membalas kebaikan bumi kita yang tercinta ini.


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3:21 PM nmhana 0 Comments

Ini dia salah satu Boyband yang belum lama ini telah menjadi idola para remaja di seluruh dunia. B1A4. Begitulah kedengarannya, dan begitlah sebutannya. Boyband beranggotakan lima orang ini mampu memberikan kesan ceria dalam lagu yang dibawakannya. Nama B1A4 itu sendiri bukan nama sembarang nama. Betapa uniknya boyband yang satu ini. Mungkin tak pernah terfikir sebelumnya kalau golongan darah mereka lah yang telah melahirkan nama B1A4. Ya, B1A4 merupakan nama yang terlahir dari golongan darah kelima member tersebut.

Untuk lebih dekatnya, kita berkenalah dulu dengan kelima member B1A4 ...

Jinyoung (진영)
  • Real name: Jung Jin Young (정진영)
  • Date of birth: November 18, 1991 (age 20)
  • Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist, Lyricist
CNU (신우)
  • Real name: Shin Dong Woo (신동우)
  • Date of birth: June 16, 1991 (age 20)
  • Position: Vocalist, Lead Rapper
  • Real name: Lee Jung Hwan (이정환)
  • Date of birth: March 20, 1992 (age 19)
  • Position: Main Vocalist
Baro (바로)
  • Real name: Cha Sun Woo (차선우)
  • Date of birth: September 5, 1992 (age 19)
  • Position: Main Rapper, Lyricist
Gongchan (공찬)
  • Real name: Gong Chan Shik (공찬식)
  • Date of birth: August 14, 1993 (age 18)
  • Position: Sub-vocalist, Maknae, Visual


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Penampilan Solo Pertama Taemin

6:48 PM nmhana 0 Comments

Pada program 'Timeless Songs2' , 14 penyanyi akan menunjukkan kebolehannya dalam membawakan kembali lagu-lagu dari SongChangShik yang merupakan salah satu penyanyi legendaris di Korea. Terlepas dari semua itu, Taemin merupakan salah satu yang paling menarik perhatian banyak orang. Sebagai anggota termuda SHINee, Taemin biasanya tampil dengan gaya yang lucu dan tarian-tarian yang hebat. Dan dia telah menampilkan semua kebolehannya dalam penampilan solonya yang pertama pada 'Timeless Songs2'.

Sebelum naik ke panggung, Taemin mengatakan, “Aku begitu gugup berdiri sendirian di panggung.” Namun kegita orkestra mulai bermain, ia dengan tenang kembali mengejutkan semua orang dengan penampilan solonya secara langsung yang hebat. Taemin dengan rendah hati mengatakan, “Saya bisa bernyanyi tanpa merasa gugup demi mendukung legenda musik Korea, SongChangShik.” Katanya sambil tersenyum.

Demikian pula dengan SongChangShik, dia memberikan pujian kepada Taemin karena kerja kerasnya yang sangat baik untuk penampilan pertamanya.

sumber :
Translate :


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100 Pertanyaan Majalah 'Ray' untuk SHINee

3:23 PM nmhana 0 Comments


01 Q: How did you chose your clothes for today? A : I chose what to wear everyday according to my mood
02 Q: What do you anticipate most for winter? A : I look forward to snow!
03 Q: The secret of keeping fit is..? A : To force myself to exercise everyday. Find my favourite photos and fashion to push me to achieve that
04 Q: Favourite Food A : Initially, it was Ramen, but now I like Beef rice. Beef rice is convenient (to eat) and delicious!
05 Q: Sport you want to try A : Golf! I’ve been watching it recently
06 Q: Do you reference for your fashion styles? A : Foreign celebrities’ outfits. I also go online to check for latest trends
07 Q: Korean Movie to recommend? A : “Sweet Life” – you are able to appreciate a man’s charming side, so i recommend this
08 Q: Favourite Japan Animation? A : “One Piece”!! I’ve been addicted to this for a few years already. Every character has their own personality, the story is very captivating too
09 Q: Favorite part in “One Piece”? A : When Luffy saved Robin, he shouted “We are comrades!”
10 Q: Which place do you want to visit in Japan? A : I want to watch a game of Japan’s football match
11 Q: Favourite winter outfit? A : Scarves and coat
12 Q: If you were to be reincarnated, what do you wish to be? A : An officer or a police. I feel their that their job to bring peace is very honourable
13 Q: What advice did BoA and TVXQ give? A : Our seniors told us to study Japanese hard. No matter what, we have to do the best, and to learn the Japanese work culture and ways
14 Q: Do you prefer girls with short or long hair? A : Long hair. I feel that there is a sense of female charm and mysteriousness
15 Q: If you have a time machine, will you want to visit the past or future? A : The past. I want to make use of all my experience to try all over again
16 Q: The most touching moment with Japanese fans? A : The audience were very close to the stage so we were highly motivated by their presence. Everyone sang with us and it feels good
17 Q: What does SHINee want to accomplish in Japan? A : A nationwide concert. Upon seeing our seniors’ concert, we highly hope to do one too.
18 Q: You will feel uncomfortable if you do not have (this thing) in your bag? A : MP3. I am used to listening music during breaks or practices so it is something I cannot live without
19 Q: A SHINee Song you will recommend for cheering people up? A : “A-yo”. Because it is full of energy
20 Q: What if you lose at something you are good at? A : I will not be satisfied and will work hard until I win back

21 Q: What’s your Personality? A : Not easily satisfied, if I want to achieve something, I will strive hard to get it
22 Q: Food that make you the happiest A : Meat! I feel at bliss even at the thought of it
23 Q: Recent Music Genre you listen to A : Popular Music with slow beat. I love the quiet melody of it
24 Q: Food that you hate. A : Brinjal/Eggplant – because it doesnt have any taste at all, the purple looks of it seem unappetising too
25 Q: The most shocking thing recently A : A staff member carried me and ran around. I thought it wasn’t possible, but I was lifted easily and he skipped!
26 Q: The most charismatic quality is.. A : Never give up, to work hard in order to improve oneself
27 Q: Favourite J-drama/movie A : “One Piece” Animation and Hayao Miyazaki works. His directed works are creative and spectacular
28 Q: Experienced any cultural shock? A : Broadcasted programmes will undergo very detailed checks before filming – I was suprised!
29 Q: Do you remember your debut stage performance? A : Of course! I will never forget the expression on everyone’s faces on our debut stage
30 Q: Name one failure you’ve experienced A : I worked hard to prepare a story to share but when I wanted to tell it, I totally forgot it .. it was so wasted
31 Q: Favourite female winter fashion? A : Long knitted apparel with a fur cap or scarve. I like a soft and warm look and feeling
32 Q: Favourite Japanese food? A : Beef Rice. BEcause it taste deliious (laughs)
33 Q: Favourite fashion style A : Skinny pants
34 Q: First thing you do in the morning A : Wash my face
35 Q: What do SHINee order when you all go out? A : Meat dishes
36 Q: Source of Energy? A : Fans!
37 Q: New hairstyle that you have been thinking of? A : To dye my hair BLACK
38 Q: Afraid of the cold or hot? A : Hot
39 Q: Do you like high, elevated places? A : Yes. I am not afraid, it’s thrilling and meaningful. The breeze is very cooling. I used to climb mountains when I was young
40 Q: Good thing being the youngest? A : To be younger by one or two years (laughs). Compared to hyungs, I have yet to experience many things, there are endless possibilities

41 Q: You do not want to lose in.. A: The ability to change the mood – from a noisy one to a quiet one. I often say cold jokes (laughs)
42 Q: Favourite season? A: Spring. Because the temperature is just right. The warm feeling make me want to go to the beach, so I like it
43 Q: Food you ate most recently A: Digestive medicine – ate too much (laughs)
44 Q: Listen or talk? A : 50-50. If it is an area of interest, I will talk a lot about it. If not, I will just pay attention to what others have to say
45 Q: Current Fashion Wants A : A huge coat – a best friend that helps to keep me warm during winter
46 Q: Impression of Japanese Girls A : Gentle, warm, charms of a young girl
47 Q: Strongest impression of a Japanese drama/film A: “Girl who travelled across time” Animation. I’ve watch the movie too! The idea to travel time is cool
48 Q: Most wanted holiday Destination A : Anyway is fine with me… But I really want to go to a beach where I can relax and hang out with good friends
49 Q: Recommended Winter destination in Korea A: Scenic Mountain scapes! Beaches! I love the ocean!
50 Q: Any thoughts about the Abbey Road Studios in London? A : Very happy! Extremely honoured to be the first Asian artist to perform there
51 Q: Thoughts for SM TOWN Live in Tokyo at Tokyo dome A : I am happy to be on the same stage with singers from the same company. If there is a chance, I wish SHINee can perform a solo concert there
52 Q: Which Japanese phrase will make you happy when you are praised with it? A : Any praise will make me happy! I am especially happy when they say “You sang very well”, “You have nice voice”
53 Q: A thing you must do before you sleep A : To drink a cup of water! this is to calm down my nerves
54 Q: Thinking back, what did you work hard to achieve your dream? A : Practice is important. Of course, I am still practicing myself.
55 Q: What were you like when you were in elementary school? A : Very active. I was a kid who will go to the field to run around every break time!
56 Q: Which SHINee song do you usually hum to A : ”Replay”, it can be said that it was our starting song. From the start, we had a profound love for it
57 Q: Things you do before a concert A : Be nervous (laughs). I feel that if there is no slight sense of nervousness, I will become easily tired
58 Q: Things you want to do the most now A : Travel and eat. I want to try all the famous stalls around the world. If I can travel and eat at the same time, it would be twice as great!
59 Q: What do you want to challenge yourself in the future? A : Musical instruments
60 Q: When are you most focused? A : Music programs and on the stage – i will work very hard

61 Q: What do people label you as? A : I often hear people saying that I am full of energy – active
62 Q: What do you normally do to change your mood? A : If I have troubles, I will try my best to solve them
63 Q: What do you think of during a performance? A : Since I will think about the choreography before I perform, after I go on the stage, I will think of how to perform it later
64 Q: Recommend a Korean food. A : Dobukki (rice cake). Because it is convenient to eat and it taste good, so please try it! It is considered a snack yet it can fill your stomach when you are hungry
65 Q: What do you do during your free time? A : Meet up my friends, shop and practice occasionally.
66 Q: What character would you want to play in a film? A : I want to play ”Key” – not only I can film it happily, I can get to know myself better
67 Q: Who do you want to work with – a singer. A : Our senior, BoA… However, I’ve already performed with her several times on SMTOWN Live
68 Q: Your childhood dream. A : Singer, Artist.
69 Q: Place you want to go. A : Alaska. It can be relaxing there
70 Q: A style you want to try is.. A : To match anything with socks. I want to try various types of socks.
71 Q: The happiest moment up till now. A : The present moment. Everyday will have it’s various qualities to look forward to
72 Q: A song to recommend when you are in love. A : “Kiss Kiss Kiss”. The lyrics are good and if a guy sang that to a girl, she will be touched! (laughs)
73 Q: What would you do if you have your own show in Japan? A : A variety show! Like “SmapxSmap” etc, it would be great if we can talk our hearts out with the special guests. I guess I have to buck up on Japanese! (laughs)
74 Q: What makes your existence worthwhile? A : Same age good friends, Parents and my Granny
75 Q: What is interesting about Japan’s music show? A : Eventhough it is broadcasted live, the stage keeps changing – it was a very fresh sight, hence interesting!
76 Q: Food you are best at cooking? A : Charcoal grilled italian spaghetti. I learned that in a Korean variety show, I even taught Taemin. Even though it was troublesome to do grocery shopping, I still made the dish many times!
77 Q: Something that made you happy recently. A : On my birthday (9/23), we returned back to our dorm late at night after shooting, and i found a present, given by jonghyun, on my bed.
78 Q: The most relaxing place is..? A : Home. It is not just the place I grew up from, but I consider the hotel we live in overseas, or the dorm we live in Korea as my home too.
79 Q: Is your bagpack large or small? A : Very huge. Because it can contain many things (laughs)
80 Q: Will you give opinions regarding your hairstyle? A : Of course! I constantly think of my next concept for my hairstyle
Jong Hyun

81 Q: Your Philosophy. A : Instead of trying hard to accept someone, we should acknowledge their weaknesses and strenghts
82 Q: Favourite part of your body A : Shoulders
83 Q: What do you feel when you are on stage? A : Very Happy. But it depends on the mood of the song.. but usually, I am very “high” (literally stated by him)
84 Q: Talk about what qualities make SHINee something you are proud of? A : Ability to overcome any problems. Not just music, dance or fashion, we are able to work together to give the best effect
85 Q: The most nervous time is..? A : When I am at the backstage. On the stage, I will constantly tell people to get “High”, so I won’t feel nervous.
86 Q: A singer you recently took notice of is..? A : Mika! He is a British singer, a very unique person and he has an individualistic voice – I like his uniqueness
87 Q: Favourite character in Japanese anime is..? A : “Starship Cowboy“‘s Spikey.
88 Q: What would you have pursued if not for SHINee? A : I’ll probably form a band or study music
89 Q: What are you cautious of to keep yourself fit? A : Exercise. I will do some weight-lifting – not only it is good for my health, it can keep my body in shape
90 Q: What is the activity that will make you lose track of time? A : Games in Android Phones! It is really fun to play!
91 Q: When do you feel most blissful? A : When I am able to confidently prepare for something
92 Q: Talk about your recent goals A : To master Japanese!
93 Q: When do you feel that “to become a member of SHINee is the best!” A : When I’m on the stage and during recording for our albums
94 Q: What cars do you want to drive? A : Jeep! Because the wheels are large hence the view I get is really wide so I like it.
95 Q: Recently used Japanese word is..? A : “Eh~!” (to call someone). I usually use that to joke around (laughs)
96 Q: What do you do on the car when you move from one place to another? A : Listen to music or watch anime
97 Q: What activities make you feel that you have matured? A : I have not thought about that, I think only those who have yet to mature will think of these things..
98 Q: What kind of kid were you? A : A very optimistic person who loves to play with friends
99 Q: The most relaxing moment A : After bathing, almost falling asleep
100 Q: Talk about the group’s dreams A : To keep our unique qualities as SHINee, and never to lose our direction and faith
Kor – Chi translation : 肉兔子// WithTaemin
Chi – Eng translation : soundtracklove@soom
Untuk Terjemahan Indonesia, tunggu ya! Sedang dalam proses


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