Have you tried it? If you haven’t tried it yet, try to do it now!!! When you believe to your self, you will find a power inside your self. You have to believe that you can do everything you want. I don’t care you want to believe what i said or no. But, i’ve tried it, and it’s work.
When i was in Junior High School, i was not good in some lesson. I was afraid that i will get bad mark. But it didn’t make me losed a spirit. I’ve read a book, it said that ‘When you believe to your self, whatever you want will be come true. Believe it!’ Since that, i have tried to believe that i can get good mark in every lesson.
I don’t know what happen to me. But, in the end of exam, i saw my mark. I got a good mark in every lesson. That’s amazing. I tried to know about that. I asked to my self, “How can i get that mark?”. I didn’t believe it.
One day, my mother said, “Oh, my dear. I’m happy, because you have tried to study hard. And look! Now your mark is better than the last time you got an exam.”
Since that, i know that when we believed to ourselves that we can do something, we will try to do the best to reach our dream.
So, if you want your dream will be come true, try to believe to your self.
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