Onew's Facts - English Translate

- Accourding to Onew, sphagetty is more interesting than Key
- Onew likes remember his moment with tofu when he was a cild
- Onew is graduated from IT High School
- Onew’s hobby is sleeping
- Onew hates if he is distrubed when he was reading
- Onew often smiles, but Taemin and key said that Onew will look strange when he was serious
- Onew’s favorite member from Super Junior is Leetuk
- Onew believes that you can change your destiny just by one word
- Onew always brings a rubix whereever he go, and will play it when he feel bored
- When he was a child, Onew often brings a food from his parent’s shop and devided it with his classmates
- Onew likes brushing her tooth linger long
- Onew has 2 MP3 Players cause he’s afraid if he battery will be low
- Onew wears a glasses when he’s dancing
- Onew thoughts, reading can help him to write a lyric
- For Onew, Minho is look like a manga character
- According to Taemin, Onew always acts as an oldest brother for SHINee’s members
- Onew has acted as a dog in front of SHINee’s members, but then he remeber that he is a human
- Yoogeun or chicken? The answer is .... CHICKEN!!! Why? Because chicken has lift with Onew for 22 years
- Sometime, Onew becomes autist for something
- Onew wants has much money, he want buy a ship and enjoy the freedom
- Onew said, Jong Hyun is a harp, Key is ‘Key’ , Minho is a book and Taemin is a drum
- Onew wants to learn how drawing
- Onew doesn’t care about making relationship or marrying
- He looks tender and reserved, but he has a big ambicious to be a humories person
- Used to, Onew, Jong Hyun and Taemin is diagnosed with swine flu
- Onew will speak fomaly with his wife if he has married later
- Onew is studious. When he was school, he got 2nd parallel rank.
- According to Onew, he is not speciall
- Onew wants to be Agusth is Agusth Rush
- Yoogeun has said that he is missing Onew Appa, that’s make his mother didn’t believe it
- Yoogeun’s mother asked again, and Yoogeun said, “I miss Onew appa.”
- Jonghyun is so happy when he know that he is younger than Onew
- Onew thoughts, that spend money for Taemin is a waste
- Onew will go to the animal husbandry and work there to show how long he will survive
- If you want to be Onew’s friend, minimal you have knowen him since he’s in Junior High School
- Since a child, Onew wanted to be a scientist
- If Onew has a girlfriend, he will sing and play a piano for her
- Onew doesn’t like if an other peple call him with his real name
- Onew’s ideal type : has character, good personality, know how to cooking well and has good attitude
- When he got the first time to perfom, he can’t see anything and forgot the lyric
- If Onew become a girl, he will choose Key as his couple. Because Key is uniq, has strong personality and interesting
- When he has to lead a speach, he sure that he doesn’t nerveous, but sometime he’s panic and will shout : “Umma...!!!”
- All of SHINee’s members is an only child or the last child
- Onew has a specialty to freeze the atmosphere by his words. But an other members thought if he’s funny when he do it
- Before he became a singer, Onew had joined in a concert after he followed a chasting
- For a long of concert, he sings “Do It” song
- Onew graduated from Changwoong University
- When he was in University,Onew took Broadcasting Music Major
- Kyuhyun Super Junior wrote : “Jinki (Onew) who has many secrets” in his ‘Thanks to-‘ in The Album
- Onew has Handphone’s Strap which big with black white lines like a tiger
&&& I have 50 more to translate, so survivors wait...
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